Fictitious Fridays: Hosted by Mortal Moments


Fictitious Fridays Hosted by: Mortal Moments Description: Fictitious Fridays is a weekly short spotlight on your favourite fiction book(s), character(s), place(s) and just about anything fictitious you can think of! 😉 Fiction of any genre is welcome but I will mainly be focusing on YA Fiction as that is mostly what I read.

This may be a bit presumptuous, but I just began the novel The Blue Amaryllis, for review, by Sonia De Leon, and although I am only 32% into it, (page 136), I absolutely LOVE it!!!! I do believe we have a winner here, folks!

I just know this book will become one of my favorites, which makes it perfect for a ‘Fictitious Fridays’ post. The Blue Amaryllis has everything I crave in a good romance novel and more!

For starters, it takes place in Brazil, to be exact, the wild jungles of the Amazon! The men there are TOUGH. They have long hair, tan skin, and muscles galore from physical work. The women work just as hard, and they take care of their men and their family. And they are all nakey! LOL!

I don’t know what to expect from this novel, but the world building done by the author is incredible. I look forward to turning the next page!

Review to follow! 🙂

22967304Upon the death of her mother, 26 year old Leia York is left bereft and grief-stricken. An old college professor extends her an invitation to join him in one of the most beautiful, yet most dangerous, places on earth – the Amazon rainforest. She embarks on an impulsive journey, hoping to forget the sadness of her life in Chicago.

Shortly after arriving in the village, Leia is among those chosen to go on a quest that is vital to the survival of the natives. The six week quest is fraught with danger, adventure, and unexpectedly: love. A love which is strictly forbidden.

Will Leia respect an indigenous law that prevents her from pursuing the only love she has ever known?

The Blue Amaryllis is a unique story that blends romance and adventure, while exploring the very real ecological issues threatening the Amazon rainforest and tribes within. It is a story of a proud people whose unique way of life faces extinction, and the passionate love that develops between one of their own and an outsider.

Sonia De Leon

Author Sonia De Leon

Author Sonia De Leon writes contemporary romance novels.

You can tweet her at @AuthorSonia.

Comments are welcome and appreciated. Please leave your thoughts below!