Monday Musings: A Well Read Woman has been Nominated for yet another Liebster Award!


Hey everyone!

Today I was informed by Jack Scovell, an oldschool Harlequin, that I have been nominated for another Liebster Award! Thank you Jack! You can check out his blog here. ๐Ÿ™‚ While it feels like a bit of a chain letter, since you are required to nominate other blogs, really it also helps to market your blog and that is a very good thing!

Here are the rules:

1. Each nominee must link back the person who nominated them.
2. Answer the 10 questions which are given to you by the nominator.
3. Nominate 10 other bloggers for this award who have less than 200 followers.
4. Create 10 questions for your nominees to answer.
5. Let the nominees know that they have been nominated by going to their blog and notifying them.

Jack from World of Harley asked me these following questions:

1. Are you afraid of clowns? Why/why not?

clownladyNope. I never understood that fear. Coulrophobia isn’t a burden I carry, fortunately. I mean really, unless it is Pogo the Clown what is the big whoop? It’s a jolly person dressed in a suit who wants to spread laughter and joy. What is to fear?

2. If you could learn any language you donโ€™t currently know, what would it be and why?

Spanish. I am desperate to learn Spanish, but have so far been unsuccessful. I’ve learned recently that I may have some Mexican roots, (my great, great grandmother was purported to be Mexican). ยกAy, caramba!

3. Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

I better be living in a house. For TWO years my husband and I have been building our credit and trying our hardest to get a home loan. We are hoping to be home owners late spring, early summer 2014. Otherwise, you all may see me on the 5 o’ clock news for busting into somebody else’s house and taking over…

I hope with all my heart that I will be a published author. I have been working dutifully on a romance suspense since December of 2012. Have gotten some great feedback from NYC editors at big publishing houses who tell me they “really enjoy the story but…”, and I just hope I can get it right and it will be picked up. *groans*

4. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?

Oh boy I will be 51. Let’s see… I hope I will be living happily ever after with my husband, surrounded by dogs and cats, and an array of other assorted pets. I hope I hear the pitter patter of little feet, and joyous laughter throughout our large colonial house of foster children who call me “Ape”, and eventually maybe Mom. ๐Ÿ™‚ *lil tear in my eye*

5. If given the opportunity, would you visit space?

Nope. I’m slightly agoraphobic. Space is out of the question!

6. Who/What inspires you?

My husband gives me encouragement everyday to continue to write, no matter what. When I told him in December of 2012 that I had a good idea for a story he told me I should write it and get it published. He has never doubted my ability to be an author. If it wasn’t for him, I may never have put fingers to keys.

clove I have always idolized Courtney Love. She embodies this feminine punk spirit that I totally dig.

7. Would you rather be rich or famous? Why?

Hmmmm. I don’t know. If I was famous it would probably be for something bad, lol. Can’t I be both? Pretty please?

8. Hot weather or cold weather? Why?

Hot weather. I’m a summer girl. Cold weather wreaks havoc on my joints. I have autoimmune rheumatoid arthritis. My joints no likey the cold so much…

9. What is your favourite genre of music and why?

Metal. I like the intensity of it. I love going to local shows, drinking, and having a good time. Oh yeah, and my husband is a metal vocalist too. ๐Ÿ˜‰

10. Tell us your quote of the day?

โ€œShe is too fond of books, and it has turned her brain.โ€

โ€• Louisa May Alcott

Thank you again Jack! I had fun answering these questions!!

Ok fellow Bloggers, now it’s your turn! Here are the ten Bloggers I am nominating for the Liebster Award:

1.) Courtney Caggiano  of The Paris Review Blog

2.) Interesting Literature

3.) Gossip, Fast Fashion, Female Lifestyle, Sex and Love: College Candy

4.) Town & Country Gardening

5.) Romantic Reads and Such

6.) Fckwhatyouheard 

7.) The Zombie Blog

8.) Live to Write–Write to Live

9.) Lyn Dunn

10.) Therin Knite of Knite Writes

And, these are your questions to answer, Lovelies:

1.) Why do you blog?

2.) What was the last book you read for fun?

3.) How many books did you read last year? Did you participate in the Goodreads reading challenge?

4.) Where do you see yourself in five years? In ten years?

5.) Are you a writer? If so, are you plotter or a pantser?

6.) What are your hobbies?

7.) If you could pick any song as your own personal theme song, what song would you choose?

8.) Are you cuckoo for cocoa puffs? (If you know me you would know that I can’t help myself to not ask something stupid. Just answer it!) ๐Ÿ˜€

9.) Do you prefer the company of animals to people?

10.) Why did the chicken cross the road? (Again, I can’t help myself.) ๐Ÿ˜€

Annnnnnnnnnnnnnnd go! Please remember to post your link to this page so I can see your responses!

2 thoughts on “Monday Musings: A Well Read Woman has been Nominated for yet another Liebster Award!

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