Top Ten Tuesday: Romance in Books, What I Like/Dislike, Hosted by The Broke & The Bookish

Top Ten Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week participating bloggers can create lists of topics given by the host, and share them with others!

Today’s topic is about romance in novels: likes & dislikes!

So, let’s start with the likes!

***This post is 18+ due to sexual images & language***

1.) I love syrupy sweet romances, with a happily ever after, and lots of sap. The cornier the better. These types of novels make me feel good, and are a nice reprieve from the annoyances of everyday life…

2.) I love winter-themed Holiday romances. You know, the kind where the hero and the heroine are snowed in a log cabin together in Vermont. ❤ How much more perfect does it get than that?

3.) I love adult erotic romance, where romance takes a backseat to sex. Everyone needs to enjoy a red-hot, sizzling, boddice-ripping read, once in a while. 🙂

4.) I like all the care and devotion that the hero gives to his heroine. It’s always nice to be treated like a queen, vicariously and otherwise.

5.) Lastly, I enjoy romance because it is a fun genre, with the driving message that everyone, (regardless of your size, or social class), can find romance and live happily ever after. I am in no way dissatisfied with my marriage, so I get my kicks by reading erotica, because I’m a bored and lonely housewife, *snark*. I enjoy romance because the genre is awesome, and I’ve read a lot of great books by amazing Authors who I can only wish to emulate someday in my own writing career.

And now it is time to get critical…

6.) I do NOT, absolutely do NOT like to read erotica that isn’t 18+!!!! It makes me feel beyond squeamish and awkward, and I don’t care if every loser troll online wants to take me up on this that sex is a fact of life and blah blah blah! No kidding, man… That doesn’t mean I want to spend my time READING dragged out sex scenes between KIDS. YUCK!!!!!! (And yes, I have been harassed about my opinions on this on both Goodreads and Amazon).

7.) Arrogant and rude heroes need not apply.

8.) With the exception of True Blood, (because well, Eric & Bill!), I am not a fan of love triangles. And I certainly don’t understand why most YA novels have an underlying love triangle theme!

Lucky, lucky Sookie… but I digress.

9.) The helpless and the spineless damsel in distress who is in constant need of a saving. I strongly dislike this type of heroine in a novel, and find myself rolling my eyes every time she gets herself into trouble.

10.) Lastly, I don’t do “romanticized rape”, or violence against women. And I don’t mean of the FSOG variety, (BDSM). Rape is not a sexual relationship, and it shouldn’t be romanticized, nor should non-consensual violence against women during sex. If a book features this, it is an automatic DNF.

So, those are likes and dislikes of romance in novels. What are yours? Please leave your comments below!

6 thoughts on “Top Ten Tuesday: Romance in Books, What I Like/Dislike, Hosted by The Broke & The Bookish

  1. Love triangles simply for the sake of an obstacle to the “true” love of our heroes can be a bit annoying, I’ll agree. I’ll admit most of my experience from this area comes from TV shows like Lois and Clark or Friends or, well, I’m sure you get the point. Having an obstacle person to keep Ross and Rachel from getting together or coming up with a boneheaded character move or unilateral decision by a character so they can’t be together just yet (until sweeps, of course!) can be annoying as all get out.

    In my post for TTT, I stated that one of my favorite TV romances comes from Cheers and its first two seasons. Simply a great example of creating reasonable obstacles for the romantic duo to overcome, then getting them together and then showing how wildly incompatible they are long term. And it’s funny and there are some dark humor moments in there (the season two finale is a great example)

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  2. I am not a prude by any stretch of the imagination, but I prefer sex scenes to be tastefully done and move at a realistic pace to hold my interest. I am easily put off by far too much information and have no desire to read a long draw out spiel which has me irritated to the max before the inevitable act takes place. If the writer has the ability to tantalise the reader’s senses, whilst at the same time entertain them, I believe our vivid imaginations and experiences of life will take care of the rest.

    Liked by 1 person

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