Blogging from A to Z Challenge: From A is for Adult Fiction, to Z is for Zombie Fiction!

I may be a day, (or 24 days), late and a dollar short for the April A to Z Blogging Challenge, created by Tossing It Out, but I wanted to participate anyways. My challenge will include discussing book related things, for each letter of the alphabet. ALL AT ONCE!

A is for Adult Fiction!

Adult fiction usually deals with adult themes, such as marriage, work, infidelity, and divorce. It may or may not have erotic content. When some people hear “adult”, they may assume it has adult, or erotic content. However, it is generally fiction about adults, and marketed towards adults.

Popular Adult Fiction titles include:

Fifty Shades of Grey (Fifty Shades, #1) The Lovely Bones Memoirs of a Geisha The Da Vinci Code (Robert Langdon, #2)

B is for Biography!

Biographical books are an account of someone’s life, written by someone else. When the book is written by the person that the bio is about, it is called an autobiography, or memoir.

Popular Biographies:


C is for Chick Lit!

One of my favorite genres, chick lit is fiction that appeals mainly to women. Often humorous, and light-hearted, having a romantic or sentimental theme, chick lit is often written in first-person which makes it easy to connect to the protagonist.

Popular Chick Lit titles include:

prada nannydiariesbridgetsexandthecity

D is for Disaster Fiction!

Disaster fiction is about ongoing natural disasters, or plagues of epic proportions. End of the world themes are common in disaster fiction. The disasters can be either natural or man-made.

Popular Disaster Fiction titles include:

18813030 18630946EpidemicThe Upheaval (The Survivor Chronicles, #1)

E is for Erotic Fiction!

Erotic fiction spans a multitude of genres, including romance, science-fiction, horror, poetry, fantasy, and more. Erotic fiction can be divided into two categories: erotica, and erotic romance. In erotica, the focus is on the sexual journey of the characters, and how this impacts them as individuals. With erotic romance, the focus is on the development of the characters romantic and sexual relationship. A happily ever after is a MUST! -Unlike with erotica. Sex, of course, is a must in erotic fiction.

Popular Erotic Fiction titles include:



F is for Fantasy!

In fantasy books, characters may have supernatural powers or magical abilities. The setting is generally in an alternate universe, but the characters may co-exist in a modern setting. There are several sub-genres: high fantasy, comic fantasy, and dark fantasy.

Popular Fantasy titles include:


G is for Gardening Books!

Gardening and horticulture books offer expert gardening advice. Plain and simple!

Popular Gardening books include:

The Drunken Botanist: The Plants That Create the World's Great DrinksBeatrix Potter's Gardening Life: The Plants and Places That Inspired the Classic Children's TalesTomatoland: How Modern Industrial Agriculture Destroyed Our Most Alluring FruitYou Grow Girl

H is for Horror!

Horror fiction is meant to frighten the reader. Often dark themed, horror fiction infuses the supernatural into everyday experience. Sometimes gruesome, morbid, and suspenseful; horror fiction has a frightening theme meant to scare.

Popular Horror Fiction:

The Walking Dead, Vol. 20: All Out War Part 1CarrieFrankensteinWorld War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War

I is for Indie Books! 

Indie books are books published outside mainstream, or traditional book publishing. The author has full rights over their work. I’ve read a lot of excellent independently published books.

Popular Indie Books include:

Angelfall (Penryn & the End of Days, #1) Slammed (Slammed, #1)Easy (Contours of the Heart, #1)Beautiful Disaster (Beautiful, #1)

J is for Journalism!

Generally written for magazines and newspapers, journalism focuses on investigating and reporting on current events.

Popular journalistic work includes:

  1. John Hersey. “Hiroshima.” 1946
  2. Rachel Carson. “Silent Spring.” 1962
  3. Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein. Watergate investigations for the Washington Post. 1972-73
  4. Edward R. Murrow. “This is London . . .” radio reports for CBS on the German bombing of London. Also collected in book form. 1940 –

K is for Kindle!

The Amazon Kindle is an electronic reading device where you can read, download, and store all your favorite books, electronically!

Here are some popular Kindle readers:

L is for Literary Fiction!

Literary fiction is classified as fictional books that hold real literary merit.

Examples of popular Literary Fiction titles include:

The Great GatsbyLife of PiThe Catcher in the RyeThe Kite Runner

M is for M/M Romance!

M/M romance, or male on male romance, is a romance sub-genre that has recently exploded in popularity. I had never heard of m/m romance before, and in the past year I have received at least 4 titles that were m/m romance to review! It is different from gay romance in the sense that it is generally written by women, and marketed towards other women.

I personally am alright with M/M romance as long as the protagonists aren’t teenagers! Then it just skeeves me out! ESPECIALLY if there is sex involved… I. just…can’t.

Popular M/M romance titles include:

Fatal Shadows (Adrien English Mystery, #1)Hot Head (Head, #1)Promises (Coda Books, #1)The Tin Star (Ranch Series, #1)

N is for Non-Fiction!

Non-fiction is a story based on facts and reality. Examples of non-fiction are biographies, history, health, etc.

Popular non-fiction titles include:

Nickel and Dimed: On (Not) Getting by in America Fast Food Nation: The Dark Side of the All-American MealStiff: The Curious Lives of Human CadaversQuiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking

O is for Offbeat!

Offbeat or quirky fiction is a relatively new genre that is exactly what it sounds like. Stories are a little different, offbeat, and quirky.

Popular Offbeat/Quirky titles include:

The Lost (The Lost, #1)Stormy WeatherThe Big Over Easy (Nursery Crime, #1)Autobiography of a Corpse

P is for Paranormal Romance!

Paranormal romance has exploded in its popularity recently and while both a sub-genre of romance and speculative fiction, it deserves a mention! Paranormal romance blends romance with the supernatural. It is one of the best selling sub-genres in the fantasy and science fiction worlds.

Popular Paranormal Romance titles:

Twilight (Twilight, #1)Halfway to the Grave (Night Huntress, #1)Dead Until Dark (Sookie Stackhouse, #1)Darkfever (Fever, #1)

Q is for Queer Fiction!

Queer or LGBT fiction isn’t a genre in itself, but rather a reading interest. You can walk into any major chain bookstore and find a ‘Gay and Lesbian’ section.

Popular Queer fiction titles include:

Tipping the VelvetBoy Meets BoyWill Grayson, Will GraysonLuna

R is for Romance!

Another favorite genre of mine, romantic fiction focuses on the romantic relationship between two people, and must have a happily ever after. I associate romance with the popular publisher Harlequin. Romantic fiction may or may not contain erotic elements.

Popular Romance books include:

Pride and PrejudiceThe Notebook (The Notebook, #1)Gone with the WindThe Time Traveler's Wife

S is for Science Fiction!

Science fiction deals with futuristic settings and themes, and speculative science and technology of the future. Time and space travel are common themes in science fiction stories.

Popular Science Fiction titles include:

The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker's Guide, #1)Fahrenheit 451The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games, #1)Jurassic Park (Jurassic Park, #1)

T is for Thriller!

Thriller books are often associated with war fiction, spy fiction, adventure, and detective fiction.

The Da Vinci Code (Robert Langdon, #2) The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium, #1) Angels & Demons  (Robert Langdon, #1) The Bourne Identity (Jason Bourne, #1)

U is for Urban Fantasy!

Urban fantasy is a sub-genre of fantasy that takes place in an urban setting.

Popular Urban Fantasy titles include:

Storm Front (The Dresden Files, #1)Moon Called (Mercy Thompson, #1)City of Bones (The Mortal Instruments, #1)Guilty Pleasures (Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter, #1)

V is for Vampires!

Vampire books are concerned primarily with the subject of vampires. There are a TON of vampire books on the market. Teen vampire books deal with young adult issues, blended with vampire fiction. Adult vampire fiction involves adult issues, blended with vampires.

Popular Vampire Fiction includes:

'Salem's Lot DraculaVampire Academy (Vampire Academy, #1) Drink, Slay, Love

W is for Women’s Fiction!

Women’s fiction is more of a reading interest than a genre. It encompasses women’s issues, and is marketed towards women. I prefer to read women’s fiction. The Romance Writers of America organization defines women’s fiction as, “a commercial novel about a woman on the brink of life change and personal growth. Her journey details emotional reflection and action that transforms her and her relationships with others, and includes a hopeful/upbeat ending with regard to her romantic relationship.”

Popular Women’s Fiction titles include:

The Husband's SecretWhite OleanderMy Sister's KeeperThe Secret Life of Bees

X is for X-Men Comic Books!

“The X-Men are a group of superheroes in the Marvel Comics universe. The monthly X-Men comic book debuted in 1963, along with the team itself. That series is now titled Uncanny X-Men and is best known by that name. Due to the X-Men’s immense popularity, Marvel has launched dozens of spin-off series, called “X-Books,” throughout the years.

Like Uncanny X-Men, most X-books feature mutants, human beings born with extraordinary powers due to a quantum leap in genetic evolution. Some X-Books feature mutant superhero teams while others feature solo adventures of characters who became popular in Uncanny X-Men or another X-Book. Occasionally, X-Books use mutants as a metaphor for racial, religious and other minorities oppressed by society.”–

The Infinity Gauntlet X-Men: The Dark Phoenix SagaX-Men: God Loves, Man KillsX-Men: The Complete Age of Apocalypse Epic - Book 1

Y is for Young Adult!

Young adult fiction, also known as juvenile fiction, is literature marketed towards adolescents. However, you do not need to be an adolescent to enjoy YA.

Popular YA titles include:

Harry Potter Boxset (Harry Potter, #1-7)Uglies (Uglies, #1)Divergent (Divergent, #1)The Book Thief

Z is for Zombie Fiction!

Zombie fiction focuses on reanimated corpses, and end of the world scenarios. Often in horror and fantasy fiction, zombie fiction has become a staple of modern popular art!

Popular Zombie Fiction titles include:

World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie WarThe Zombie Survival Guide: Complete Protection from the Living DeadPride and Prejudice and Zombies (Pride and Prejudice and Zombies, #1)Rot and Ruin (Benny Imura, #1)

And there you have it! Everything book related from A to Z! Thank you for reading!


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